PropID Proposal Number Title Sponsor Type Sponsor Prop Type Province Subbasin Short Description Primary Species Type BPA Cap/Exp Review Comments BPA Cap/Exp Review Uncertainty FY07 Req FY08 Req FY09 Req
218 198906201 Annual Work Plan CBFWA NPO Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Ongoing Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Coordinate fish and wildlife manager participation in regional mitigation activities for implementation of the NPCC's Program including RM&E, project and program review, subbasin plan implementation, program amendment recommendations, etc. All     2253787 2253787 2253787
212 199502800 Piscivorous Avian Resource Utilization of Moses Lake and the Relationship to Other Systems State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Plateau Crab Recent findings lead us to believe predatory birds may be impacting the resident fishery of lakes within the Columbia Basin including Moses Lake and potentially anadromous fishes within the Mainstem Columbia. All     298000 298000 298000
723 199600500 ISAB NPO Northwest Power and Conservation Council Ongoing Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Provide independent scientific advice and recommendations on issues related to regional fish and wildlife recovery programs under the Northwest Power Act, the Endangered Species Act, and tribal treaties. All     566718 583945 601703
557 199800401 Columbia Basin Bulletin Private Intermountain Communications Ongoing Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Delivers by e-mail (and posted on the web) to policymakers, Basin stakeholders, and general public a weekly electronic newsletter containing objective, timely, summary information about Columbia Basin fish and wildlife mitigation and ESA recovery issues. All     150000 150000 150000
787 200702500 Project Compliance Monitoring Private XLSolutions New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide The project compliance monitoring determines whether specified project criteria are being met. All     459790 459790 403883
418 200710600 Spokane Tribe Fish and Wildlife Planning and Cooridnation Tribe Spokane Tribe New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide To ensure adequate Spokane Tribal representation at regional meetings. This project would secure funding for Spokane Tribal Fish and Wildlife Managers to attend regional and provincial meeting to assist in development of work plans within Columbia River All     93100 93100 93100
422 200710800 Regional Coordination for Upper Columbia United Tribes Tribe Upper Columbia United Tribes New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Facilitate and coordinate five UCUT member Tribes' participation in regional activities involving implementation of the FWP, annual project and funding recommendations, rolling provincial review, subbasin planning, program amendment recommendations, etc. All     69594 73346 80053
524 200716200 Kalispel Tribe Fish and Wildlife Coordination Tribe Kalispel Tribe New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Participate in regional mitigation activities in implementation of the Fish and Wildlife Program and BPA's role in funding the Fish and Wildlife Program. All     90000 93100 96200
582 200720000 Idaho Subbasin Planning and Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Stategy (CWCS) Data Distribution System State Idaho Department of Fish & Game New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Provide Idaho?s subbasin planning data and Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy data over the web. It will provide fish, wildlife, rare plant and habitat data and information in a variety of formats through a database driven, interactive website. All     139489 146464 153787
692 200728000 Columbia River Basin Journal Private Intermountain Communications New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide The Columbia River Basin Journal will be an on-line journal devoted to the timely dissemination of current research information related to Columbia River Basin fish and wildlife mitigation and recovery. All     105000 100000 100000
731 200731400 Regional Consolidation of Habitat Restoration Project Information From Multiple Funding Sources with Dissemination Through the StreamNet Website Federal Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Detailed information on habitat restoration projects is maintained by the multiple sources of project funding, but there is currently no way to review consolidated information in a common format. This will obtain data across agencies and disseminate. All     238514 250440 262964
739 200732100 Data Management for System Operations NPO Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Coordinate anadromous and resident fish monitoring and research in response to FCRPS operations and provide reporting and analyses to support regional decision making. All     1531414 1531414 1531414
279 199004401 Lake Creek Land Acquisition Tribe Coeur D'Alene Tribe Ongoing Intermountain Coeur d'Alene This project is intended to protect, enhance, and maintain wetland and riparian habitat in the Lake Creek drainage to provide a minimum of 760 HUs to credit against construction and inundation losses attributed to the Albeni Falls Dam. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Land acquisition requirements 1208514 1215826 1367427
161 199009200 Wanaket Wildlife Area Tribe Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Ongoing Columbia Plateau Umatilla Continue operations and maintenance of the 2,765 acre Wanaket Wildlife Area to provide 2,334 habitat units of protection credits and generate 2,495 habitat units of enhancement credits. Primary habitat types include wetland and shrub-steppe/grassland. Wildlife     233337 242653 251401
165 199106000 Pend Oreille Wetlands Wildlife Mitigation Project - Kalispel Tribe Kalispel Tribe Ongoing Intermountain Pend Oreille The Pend Oreille Wetlands project is a 600-acre property to partially mitigate for wildlife habitat losses due to the construction and inundation at Albeni Falls Dam. Wildlife     112967 118445 124000
346 199106100 Swanson Lake Wildlife Mitigation Project (Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area) State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Plateau Crab Protect, increase, and maintain a viable sharp-tailed grouse meta population, increase mule deer use of the project site, and enhance habitat for shrubsteppe obligate species, as mitigation for losses associated with the Grand Coulee Dam. Wildlife     258085 236322 244596
419 199106200 Spokane Tribe Wildlife Mitigation Tribe Spokane Tribe Ongoing Intermountain Spokane The project is the Spokane Tribes Wildlife Mitigation Project that acquires property as partial mitigation for construction and inundation losses at Grand Coulee Dam. FY07-09 will focus on the acquisition of Forest Capital lands on the Reservation. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Land acquisition requirements 2360000 2363300 2366700
565 199107800 Burlington Bottoms Wildlife Mitigation Project State Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Ongoing Lower Columbia Willamette This project will restore and maintain wildlife habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species on 417 acres of wetlands & riparian forests. On-going work includes wetland restoration, O&M, as well as monitoring and evaluation of enhancement activitie Wildlife     112735 110631 111609
491 199204800 Colville Confederated Tribes Wildlife Mitigation Project Tribe Colville Confederated Tribes Ongoing Intermountain Columbia Upper The focus of the CCT Wildlife Mitigation Project is the protection/restoration/enhancement of critical winter habitat, riparian, shrub-steppe, and other species and habitats on lands purchased/managed for mitigation on the Colville Indian Reservation Wildlife     1180000 1200000 1200000
547 199205900 Amazon Basin/Eugene Wetlands - NPO Nature Conservancy Ongoing Lower Columbia Willamette Continue restoration and enhancement of Willow Creek Wildlife Wildlife Mitigation Area. Habitats being protected or restored include riparian zones of seasonal streams, wet prairie, upland prairie, forested wetland, oak woodland, and dry coniferous fores Wildlife     98764 583766 91267
171 199206100 Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation State Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group Ongoing Intermountain Pend Oreille Protect, restore, enhance, and maintain wetland and wildlife habitat in Pend Oreille, Coeur d'Alene, and Kootenai Subbasins as ongoing mitigation for impacts associated with the construction and innundation of the Albeni Falls hydroelectric project. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Land acquisition requirements 7949297 8103022 8342004
197 199206800 Willamette Basin Mitigation State Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Ongoing Lower Columbia Willamette ODFW's proposal provides an integrative mitigation program that protects, conserves, and restores areas containing diverse habitats that assist the life history needs and resources for multiple terrestrial and aquatic species in the Willamette Basin. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition and permanent easements Land acquisition requirements 2816657 4000143 4012310
226 199404400 Enhance, protect and maintain shrub-steppe habitat on the Sagebrush Flat Wildlife Area (SFWA) State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Cascade Columbia Upper Middle Protect and enhance habitat to expand and protect pygmy rabbit, sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse and other shrub-steppe obligate species populations as mitigation for habitat loss associated with the construction of Grand Coulee and Chief Joseph Dams. Wildlife     382479 225977 239628
678 199505700 S Idaho Wildlife Mitigation State Idaho Department of Fish & Game Ongoing Upper Snake Snake Upper This is for on-going coordination within the Council's CBF&W Program; and for operation, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation at wildlife mitigation properties previously acquired with BPA funding, for the Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation project. Wildlife     400738 406360 371961
758 199505701 S Idaho Wildlife Mitigation State Idaho Department of Fish & Game Ongoing Middle Snake Boise This is for on-going coordination within the Council's CBF&W Program; and for on-going annual operation, maintenance, and monitoring for the Krueger property, purchased by BPA 1999 as part of the Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Project. Wildlife     21614 21570 22131
847 199505702 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Tribe Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Ongoing Upper Snake Snake Upper Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Admin. and O&M projects . Continue acquisition of mitgation projects and conduct required operations and maintanance activities on Soda Springs Hills and Rudeen Ranch mitigation projects Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Land acquisition requirements 2050000 2050000 2050000
399 199505703 Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Tribe Shoshone Paiute Tribes Ongoing Middle Snake Owyhee The Shoshone-Paiute Tribes propose to protect, enhance/restore and maintain native habitats through land acquisition in the Middle Snake Province as mitigation for the construction of Anderson Ranch, Deadwood, and Black Canyon hydroelectric projects. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Land acquisition requirements 2581215 2664071 2668763
178 199506001 Iskuulpa Watershed Project Tribe Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Ongoing Columbia Plateau Umatilla Continue operations and maintenance of the Iskuulpa Watershed to protect and enhance watershed resources to provide benefits for seven HEP Target Species and anadromous and resident salmonids. Wildlife     180983 187222 193764
200 199608000 Ne Oregon Wldf Proj (Npt) Precious Lands Tribe Nez Perce Tribe Ongoing Blue Mountain Grande Ronde This project provides an estimated 20,015 Habitat Units for mitigation credits for the Lower Snake Dam complex. It provides 16,286 acres of wildlife habitat and protects 16.6 miles of listed steelhead habitat within the lower Grande Ronde Subbasin. Wildlife     431426 492872 499203
328 199609401 Scotch Creek Wildlife Area State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Cascade Okanogan Protect, increase, and maintain a viable sharp-tailed grouse population and increase mule deer use of the project site. Enhance shrub-steppe and forested habitats for sharp-tailed grouse, mule deer and other obligate species. Wildlife     407693 385890 426739
365 199800300 Spokane Tribe Wildlife Mitigation Operations & Maintenance Tribe Spokane Tribe Ongoing Intermountain Spokane Proposal will be for continued Wildlife Mitigation O&M and enhancement for lands acquired as partial mitigation for Grand Coulee Dam wildlife losses. Project will focus on the management of existing and/or new lands acquired during the project period. Wildlife     287588 295522 303710
109 199802200 Pine Creek Conservation Area: Wildlife Habitat and Watershed Management on 33,557-acres to benefit grassland, shrub-steppe, riparian, and aquatic species. Tribe Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Ongoing Columbia Plateau John Day Ongoing wildlife habitat and watershed management on the Pine Creek Conservation Area in FY2007-2009 (includes Pine Creek Ranch and Wagner Ranch acquisitions). Wildlife     278836 309615 409792
339 200000900 Logan Valley Wildlife Mitigation Site Tribe Burns Paiute Tribe Ongoing Middle Snake Malheur Logan Valley Wildlife Mitigation Site is an ongoing project allowing the Tribe to manage 1760 acres of wet meadow, wetland, forest and sagebrush steppe habitats at the headwaters of the Malheur River while addressing multiple goals for fish and wildlife. Wildlife     146840 146840 146840
670 200001600 Tualatin River NWR Additions Federal Tualatin River NWR Ongoing Lower Columbia Willamette Continue restoration of Oleson Tracts 1 & 2 in accordance with approved 5-year restoration and management plan. Project benefits wildlife and anadromous fish. Wildlife     145361 96685 372304
129 200002100 Securing Wildlife Mitigation Sites - Oregon Ladd Marsh WMA and Grande Ronde Subbasin Wetlands State Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Ongoing Blue Mountain Grande Ronde Maintain wetland restoration projects on Ladd Marsh WMA. Identify, prioritize, implement and maintain other potential wetland restoration projects in the Grande Ronde subbasin. Wildlife     95551 97650 100691
232 200002600 Rainwater Wildlife Area Operations and Maintenance Tribe Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Ongoing Columbia Plateau Walla Walla Focus of project is to protect, enhance, maintain, and mitigate fish and wildlife impacted by the Federal Mainstem Columbia River Hydropower System. Project also contributes to anadromous fish (summer steelhead and bull) and habitat in the Walla Walla. Wildlife     304926 304926 304926
464 200002700 Acquisition Of Malheur River Wildlife Mitigation Project Tribe Burns Paiute Tribe Ongoing Middle Snake Malheur Malheur River Wildlife Mitigation Site is an ongoing project allowing the Tribe to manage 6385 deeded acres of wet meadow, wetland and sagebrush steppe habitats along the Malheur River while addressing multiple goals for fish, wildlife and tribal members. Wildlife     324607 324607 324607
291 200102700 Western Pond Turtle Recovery - Columbia River Gorge - Washington State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Gorge Columbia Gorge This project will continue with recovery efforts for the western pond turtle in the Columbia River Gorge. Emphasis will be habitat improvement and predator control. Population augmentation will continue at select sites to aid in recovery. Wildlife     194387 175260 175260
465 200201100 Kootenai Floodplain Operational Loss Assessment Tribe Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Ongoing Mountain Columbia Kootenai Produce an Operational Loss Assessment Tool to estimate aquatic, riparian and associated terrestrial ecological losses due to Libby Dam operations in the Kootenai River floodplain and is applicable to other post-development large river-floodplain systems. Wildlife     774699 785361 801901
387 200201400 Sunnyside Wildlife Mitigation State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Plateau Yakima Maintain funding for ongoing O&M and enhancement of floodplain and shrub-steppe focal habitats on the Sunnyside Wildlife Area. These subbasin plan priorities will partially meet BPA's Columbia River mitigation obligations. Wildlife     375540 363884 316590
310 200301200 Shillapoo Wildlife Area State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Lower Columbia Columbia Lower The Shillapoo Wildlife Area's principal purpose is to provide high quality habitat for migrating and wintering sandhill cranes, waterfowl and several other key species as mitigation for losses associated with Bonneville, John Day and The Dalles dams. Wildlife     262023 291239 280776
199 200307200 Habitat and Biodiversity Information System For Columbia River Basin NPO Northwest Habitat Institute Ongoing Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide A principal habitat and biodiversity informational source for ecoprovinces and subbasins within the Columbia River Basin, within the region it is considered a "Key Informational Source", "Best Available Science", and as "Best Practices". Wildlife     997107 1068287 1030199
337 200600300 Desert Wildlife Area O&M (Wetland Enhancement) State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Plateau Crab Completion of, and operation/maintenance for, six wetland enhancement construction projects initiated with BPA funding (MOA and FY06 contract) on the Desert Wildlife Area. Wildlife     320138 365205 222705
319 200600400 Wenas Wildlife Area O&M State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Columbia Plateau Yakima Provide and enhance riparian and shrub-steppe habitats for focal species as partial mitigation for the habitat losses associated with the construction and inundation of the Grand Coulee, McNary and John Day hydroelectric dams. Wildlife     482857 529755 533300
462 200600500 Asotin Creek Wildlife Area O&M (Schlee Acquisitions) State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Ongoing Blue Mountain Asotin The Asotin Creek Wildlife Area (Schlee Acquisitions) provide habitat for salmonid species residing in George Ck and Asotin Creek as well as upland wildlife as mitigation for losses of wildlife habitat due to dams on the lower Snake and Columbia rivers. Wildlife     150532 106147 109049
633 200600600 Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) NPO Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Ongoing Multiprovince Multiprovince This proposal is to conduct Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP)independently and/or with assistance from W/L managers on extant and new mitigation project lands and to provide technical oversight, review, and/or audit of current/past HEP data. Wildlife     341828 348308 364036
807 200702700 Colville Confederated Tribes Acquisition Project Tribe Colville Confederated Tribes New Intermountain Columbia Upper This project will fulfill the obligation of the BPA to mitigate the remaining 11,223 HU's the CCT has left, by acquiring key habitats to be enrolled into the CCT Mitigation Project where they can be protected, enhanced and restored. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition - medium certainty Land acquisition requirements 1500000 1500000 1500000
362 200708400 Shrubsteppe Habitat Acquisition for Terrestrial Species in Need of Conservation in the Upper Mid-Columbia Subbasin. State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) New Columbia Cascade Columbia Upper Middle To acquire key land parcels that improve or maintain the conservation values, or ecological connectivity, of existing land owned by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Shrubsteppe dependant pygmy rabbit, sharptail, and sage grouse are the focus. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition - medium certainty Land acquisition requirements 44400 1776700 42400
403 200709600 Wildlife Inventory and Habitat Evaluation of Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribe Shoshone Paiute Tribes New Middle Snake Owyhee The purposes of this project are threefold: (1) to gather information on wildlife species composition, distribution and relative abundance on the DVIR; (2) to assess the condition of existing habitat; and (3) to disseminate this information Wildlife     159480 162666 142228
431 200711400 Vulcan Mountain Weed Control for Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Habitat Improvement State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) New Intermountain Columbia Upper This project will eliminate invasive noxious weeds, including hoary alyssum, spotted and diffuse knapweed, and musk thistle, from 1,500 acres of privately-owned mule deer winter and spring range and bighorn sheep habitat in the Upper Columbia Subbasin. Wildlife     35465 33713 33713
474 200713600 Beavers as stream restorationists? Determining Systemwide status and trends in beaver impoundments in tributary streams, and the relationships between beaver impoundment and salmonids. Edu University of Idaho New Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide Beaver dams have strong effects on stream processes, fish, and wildlife. We will use GIS to estimate status and trends in beaver ponds, and GIS and existing fisheries data to test hypotheses about how ponds affect salmonids at watershed scales. Wildlife     106695 105890 85889
511 200715300 Cardwell Hills Wildlife Mitigation and regional Biodiversity Protection Project Private David Evans and Associates, Inc. New Lower Columbia Willamette Wildlife mitigation project to implement Cardwell Hills Regional Conservation Planning Strategy and Willamette Subbasin Plan through purchase or easement of up to 500 acres of upland prairie/savanna, oak woodlands, and riparian forest in Benton County, OR Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition - medium certainty Land acquisition requirements 1903141 3916068 2798459
512 200715400 Douglas County Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan, Previously referred to as the Foster Creek Habitat Conservation Plan (FCHCP) SWCD Foster Creek Conservation District New Columbia Cascade Columbia Upper Middle Implementation of a 20 species habitat conservation plan approved by USFWS and NMFS potentially covering 800,000 acres to minimize and mitiage impacts from farming and ranching activites in Douglas County, Washington. Wildlife     125000 125000 125000
617 200723200 Okanogan-Similkameen Habitat Protection Project - Fish and wildlife habitat protection through fee simple and conservation easement purchases. State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) New Columbia Cascade Okanogan Acquire high quality shrub-steppe, dry forest, and riparian habitats, and help secure a critical international wildlife corridor in the Okanogan-Similkameen Watershed. Support Okanogan Subbasin Plan, WDFW mission and other regional planning efforts. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Functionally interdependent 625000 877500 877500
619 200723400 Assessing Habitat and Environmental Suitability for Northern Leopard Frogs in the Crab Creek and Pend O?reille Sub-basins of Eastern Washington State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) New Columbia Plateau Crab We will improve environmental conditions and evaluate disease in 2 leopard frog populations. We will develop a leopard frog habitat suitability model and apply it in the Crab Creek and Pend O?reille drainages to estimate translocation site availability. Wildlife     179751 183075 190644
630 200724300 Crab Creek Subbasin Plan 2007 State Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) New Columbia Plateau Crab Project will provide a more complete wildlife section (assessment, inventory, and management plan) and address key ISRP comments on the original Crab Creek Subbasin Plan.The goal of the project is the adoption of the Crab Creek Subbasin Plan by the NWPCC. Wildlife     5778 0 0
638 200724700 Priscilla Peak Wildlife Habitat Restoration (Prescribed Fire) Federal US Forest Service New Mountain Columbia Clark Fork We would like to apply prescribed fire to about 4,800 acres of forest and grass-shrub communities that have been degraded by fire suppression. Prescribed fire will enhance habitat for bighorn sheep and improve the potential for grizzly bear reoccupancy. Wildlife     103000 103000 104500
659 200726000 Acquisition of a Conservation Easement over 1084 acres of Upland Prairie and Oak Habitat, Willamette Subbasin NPO Nature Conservancy New Lower Columbia Willamette We propose to cost-share on acquisition of a conservation easement over focal habitats within priority areas identified in the Willamette Subbasin Plan and subsequent FY07-09 Guidance to benefit focal species and address BPA's wildlife mitigation need Wildlife Capitalize permanent easement Land acquisition requirements 4969000 10000 0
677 200727100 Willamette Basin Capitalized Wildlife Land Acquisitions Tribe The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde New Lower Columbia Willamette The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde would contract with the BPA to acquire 650 wildlife habitat units in the Willamette Subbasin at a fixed price range. Wildlife Capitalize land acquisition Land acquisition requirements 2572046 2638077 2698060
727 200731200 Albeni Falls Dam Operational Loss Assessment of Riparian Ecological Function in the Pend Oreille River Ecosystem Tribe Kalispel Tribe New Intermountain Pend Oreille Assess the operational loss of Pend Oreille River floodplain ecological functions and processes from Albeni Falls Dam. Wildlife     364021 403888 344920
832 200737500 Does the Decline of Idaho?s Sockeye Salmon Correlate with a Mountain Beetle Infestation? NPO New Upper Snake Snake Headwaters This proposal aims to study the nurtient recycling question: Does the decline of Idaho?s Sockeye contribute to ecosystem stress in the upstream habitat where their marine-derived nutrients were historically deposited? Wildlife     10000 0 0

    </PLAINTEXT><PRE></PRE></Q></S></SAMP></SCRIPT></SELECT></SMALL></STRIKE></STRONG></SUB></SUP></TABLE></TD></TEXTAREA></TH></TITLE></TR></TT></U> <UL></UL></VAR></WBR><XMP></XMP> <STYLE type=text/css>.cfdebug { FONT-SIZE: small; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white } .cfdebuglge { FONT-SIZE: medium; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white } A.cfdebuglink { COLOR: blue; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white } </STYLE> <TABLE class=cfdebug bgColor=white> <TBODY> <TR> <TD> <P class=cfdebug> <HR> <B class=cfdebuglge><A name=cfdebug_top>Debugging Information</A></B> <TABLE class=cfdebug> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>ColdFusion Server Standard</TD> <TD class=cfdebug>7,0,1,116466</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>Template </TD> <TD class=cfdebug>/solicitation/components/reports/spendingsheetsummary.cfm</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>Time Stamp </TD> <TD class=cfdebug>27-Apr-06 08:56 AM</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>Locale </TD> <TD class=cfdebug>English (US)</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>User Agent </TD> <TD class=cfdebug>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>Remote IP </TD> <TD class=cfdebug></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap>Host Name </TD> <TD class=cfdebug></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P></P> <STYLE type=text/css>.template { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman", Times, serif } .template_overage { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white } </STYLE> <P class=cfdebug> <HR> <B class=cfdebuglge><A name=cfdebug_execution>Execution Time</A></B> <P></P><A name=cfdebug_templates> <TABLE class=cfdebug cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug align=middle><B>Total Time</B></TD> <TD class=cfdebug align=middle><B>Avg Time</B></TD> <TD class=cfdebug align=middle><B>Count</B></TD> <TD class=cfdebug><B>Template</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right><FONT color=red><SPAN class=template_overage>1344</SPAN></FONT> ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right><FONT color=red><SPAN class=template_overage>1344</SPAN></FONT> ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=middle>1</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=left><FONT color=red><SPAN class=template_overage>D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\components\reports\SpendingSheetSummary.cfm</SPAN></FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right>47 ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right>47 ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=middle>1</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=left>D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\Application.cfm</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right>16 ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right>16 ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=middle>1</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=left>D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\OnRequestEnd.cfm</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right>0 ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right>0 ms</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=middle>1</TD> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=left>D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\components\includes\footer.cfm</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right><I>31 ms</I></TD> <TD colSpan=2>&nbsp;</TD> <TD class=cfdebug align=left><I>STARTUP, PARSING, COMPILING, LOADING, &amp; SHUTDOWN</I></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=cfdebug noWrap align=right><I>1438 ms</I></TD> <TD colSpan=2>&nbsp;</TD> <TD class=cfdebug align=left><I>TOTAL EXECUTION TIME</I></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT color=red><SPAN class=template_overage>red = over 250 ms average execution time</SPAN></FONT> </A> <P class=cfdebug> <HR> <B class=cfdebuglge><A name=cfdebug_storedproc>Stored Procedures</A></B> <P></P> <P class=cfdebug><CODE><B>sp_SpendingSheet</B> (Datasource=projects07, Time=0ms) in D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\components\reports\SpendingSheetSummary.cfm @ 08:56:05.005</CODE><BR> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD> <TD> <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 border=1> <TBODY> <TR bgColor=gray> <TD align=middle colSpan=5><FONT color=white>parameters</FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><CODE><I>type</I></CODE></TD> <TD><CODE><I>CFSQLType</I></CODE></TD> <TD><CODE><I>value</I></CODE></TD> <TD><CODE><I>variable</I></CODE></TD> <TD><CODE><I>dbVarName</I></CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD> <TD> <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 border=1> <TBODY> <TR bgColor=gray> <TD align=middle colSpan=5><FONT color=white>resultsets</FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><CODE><I>name</I></CODE></TD> <TD><CODE><I>resultset</I></CODE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD>&nbsp;<CODE>Data</CODE></TD> <TD>&nbsp;<CODE>1</CODE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P> <P class=cfdebug> <HR> <B class=cfdebuglge><A name=cfdebug_scopevars>Scope Variables</A></B> <P></P><PRE><B>Application Variables:</B> applicationname=projects07 </PRE><PRE><B>CGI Variables:</B> AUTH_PASSWORD= AUTH_TYPE= AUTH_USER= CERT_COOKIE= CERT_FLAGS= CERT_ISSUER= CERT_KEYSIZE= CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE= CERT_SERIALNUMBER= CERT_SERVER_ISSUER= CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT= CERT_SUBJECT= CF_TEMPLATE_PATH=D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\components\reports\SpendingSheetSummary.cfm CONTENT_LENGTH= CONTENT_TYPE= CONTEXT_PATH= GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 HTTPS=off HTTPS_KEYSIZE= HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE= HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER= HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT= HTTP_ACCEPT=*/* HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, deflate HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=en-us HTTP_CONNECTION=Keep-Alive HTTP_COOKIE=CFID=1792; CFTOKEN=30679326; CFID=4457; CFTOKEN=52065176 HTTP_REFERER= HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) PATH_INFO=/solicitation/components/reports/spendingsheetsummary.cfm PATH_TRANSLATED=D:\InetPub\wwwroot\CBFWANew\Solicitation\components\reports\SpendingSheetSummary.cfm QUERY_STRING= REMOTE_ADDR= REMOTE_HOST= REMOTE_USER= REQUEST_METHOD=GET SCRIPT_NAME=/solicitation/components/reports/spendingsheetsummary.cfm SERVER_PORT=80 SERVER_PORT_SECURE=0 SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE=Microsoft-IIS/5.0 WEB_SERVER_API= </PRE><PRE><B>Client Variables:</B> cfid=1792 cftoken=30679326 contactid=113 hitcount=4254 lastvisit={ts &amp;apos;2006-04-27 08:55:58&amp;apos;} timecreated={ts &amp;apos;2005-11-10 13:29:37&amp;apos;} urltoken=CFID=1792&amp;CFTOKEN=30679326 </PRE><PRE><B>Cookie Variables:</B> CFID=1792 CFID=1792 CFTOKEN=30679326 CFTOKEN=30679326 </PRE><PRE><B>Server Variables:</B> COLDFUSION=Struct (8) OS=Struct (5) </PRE><PRE><B>Session Variables:</B> cfid=1792 cftoken=30679326 sessionid=PROJECTS07_1792_30679326 urltoken=CFID=1792&amp;CFTOKEN=30679326 </PRE><FONT class=cfdebug size=-1><I>Debug Rendering Time: 46 ms</I></FONT><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></BODY> </html>